Lenka Vráblíková is a lecturer at the Departments of Art and Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths. Her work lies at the intersection of visual culture studies, contemporary art, transnational feminisms, political ecology, feminist deconstruction, and critical pedagogy. Her research focuses on examining the role fungi and their foragers have played in the cultural and political imagination of European heteropatriarchal postcoloniality, with the aim of generating new notions of belonging in a world defined by unequally distributed social and ecological precarity. Her work in ‘feminist visual ethnomycology’ (together with Elspeth Mitchell, University of Leeds) also includes facilitation of “Out of Office” walks that combine feminist reading with mushroom foraging. Lenka is a co-founding member of transnational Feminist Readings Network, a member of Woods – collective for cultivation, theory and art (Czechia), Critical Ecologies Research Stream at Goldsmiths (UK), and the advisory board of KAFKÁRNA, Center for Arts and Ecology UMPRUM (Czechia).